reede, 14. november 2014

Vaikus enne tormi....See oli esimene mõte, mis postitama hakates pähe tuli. Aga ei ole ma kuhugi kadunud! Ja blogi pole ka veel päris unustanud! Olen hoopis talvevarusid täiendanud! Nimelt on hooaeg pihta hakanud ja mina jahin mütsitutte!

Quiet before the storm, was the first thought that popped in to my head, while writing these first few rows of this post... I have not forgotten my blog, or knitting or ecc. Just having fun and stocking up! Hunting pom-poms!

Kui aus olla, ei ole mul aimugi, kust see mõte alguse sai, kuid nüüd olen konksu otsas. Mul polnud aimugi, kui palju imelistes toonides karusnahkseid mütsitutte on suures laias ilmas ootamas, et keegi neile kogu oma armastuse ja hoolega kootud mütsi otsas uue kodu pakuks!
 Oleks vaid aega ka endale ja oma tirtsule üks korralik mütsipaar valmis kududa, enne kui päris käre pakane kohale jõuab!
To be fair, I have no idea, where I got the idea from, but now, I am deffinately hooked! I had no idea, there are so many amazing colors of pom-poms out there, just waiting to find a new and loving home! And a place on top of somebodys handknit hat, that has been made with all the love and care possible!
Now I just have to take the time and knit a hat or two for myself and my baby girl. Before the Jack  Frost comes to town! 
PS! If you´d like to get a hat with a genuine fur pom-pom, or are just looking for an unique and one of a kind pom, just check out my Etsy store or contact me thru my FB page . Ready to ship choices are always changing. If you have a specific color in mind, I can keep my eye out for you!

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