Viimastel päevadel valdab mind sõnulseletamatu rahulolu. Kes oleks küll osanud arvata, et üks pisikene inimene olemise nõnda kergeks teeb :)
Naudin kevadet ja nokitsen pisitasa pisikesi aardeid. Kuduvabrikust on asjad siiski suhteliselt kaugel, kuna oma pitsilõnga hunnikuid tõstan lihtsalt ühest toanurgast teise, kahandades hetkel hoopis puuvillase varu. Heegeldamine on uus kudumine! Seda vähemalt antud hetkel ja minu majapidamises :)
In the last few days I have been overcome by inexpressible complacency (I hope, this is the correct word). Who could have imagined, that one tiny person, makes it so easy to just be :)
So here we are, enjoying the springtime and creating oure tiny treasures. However, I am far from knitting, just moving my laceyarn from one end of the room to another and decreasing my cotton stash instead. Crocheting is the new knitting! At least in my household at this point! :)
All the items can be found for sale here.
Millegipärast on aastaid olnud roosa riidekapis minu suurimaks hirmuks. No lihtsalt...kes kardab ämblikuid, kes haikalu....mina olen alati kartnud roosat värvi riideesemeid. Kogu minu teadliku täiskasvanuks olemise jooksul ilmus mingil põhjusel salaja minu sokisahtlisse paar roosasid lillelisi sokke (ei saa ometi olla, et need teadlikult ostsin) aga sellega ka asi piirdus. Näib et olukord hakkab muutuma. Lahenduseks on kas sellega leppida või kiiremas korras pliksile oma riidekapp muretseda. Ma olen enam kui kindel, et tema roosad riideesemed on mingil määral hakkanud minu hilpe nakatama. Arvan, et tegu on suuremat sorti vandenõuga :D
Somehow has pink in my wardrobe been my biggest fear. Simply.....some people are afraid of spiders, some fear sharks....i have always feared pink garments. In all my conscious grown-up life, found only one pair of pink socks, somehow it`s way to my dresser drawer (it can not be, that I baught them on purpose), and that was it. But at this point it seems, things are about to change. The solution is to accept it or to get a wardrobe for my baby girl ASAP. I am more then certain, that her pink garments are infecting my wardrobe. I think this is śome sort of bigger conspiracy :D