teisipäev, 6. mai 2014

Paljajalu sandaalid / Barefoot sandals tutorial

Here is my first ever official tutorial. Hope you enjoy it :)

Minu esimene avaldatud õpetus. Kuna googli vahendusel sain ainult kaks eestikeelset tulemust nn paljajalu sandaalidele, panin oma väga kandilise jutu kirja ingliskeelsena. Kui kellelgi peaks huvi olema, ei ole probleemi see ka eestikeelsena üles sirgeldada.

 Chain 4. Slip stich to first chain to form a ring. Then chain 25 and slip stich into the first smaller ring. This will be the loop that goes around the toe.

Row 1:  Chain 4(counts as first TrC now and throughout) TrC five times into ring. (6 TrC's)  This forms the base of the triangle.

Row 2:  Chain 3 and turn, yo 2 times around hook, insert hook into next stich and draw through 1 loop, yo draw through, yo and draw through 2. Yo twice again, insert into the next st and draw through 1 loop. Yo and draw through 2 loops, yo and draw through 2 loops, you should have 3 loops on your hook. Yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook (counts as Tr3tog now and throughout), chain 5, Tr3tog, chain 5, Tr3tog.

Row 3: Chain 1 and turn (counts as first SC), SC 5 times into the loop and SC 6 into the next loop

Row 4: Chain 3 and turn, Tr3tog, *chain 5, Tr3tog*, rep twice

Row 5: Chain 1 and turn, SC 5 into the loop, * SC 6 into the next loop*, rep once

Row 6: Chain 3 and turn, Tr3tog, *chain 5, Tr3tog*, rep four times

Row 7: Chain 5 and turn, *SC 1 in the center of the loop, chain 5* rep 3 times, chain 3, DC into the last stich of the row

Row 8: Turn, *chain 5, SC in the senter of the loop* rep 3 times, chain 3 and slip stich to third chain from the start of row 7

Row 9: Chain 5, turn, *SC 1 in the center of the loop, chain 5* rep 3 times, chain 3, DC into the last stich of the row

Row 10: Chain 1 and turn, SC 2 into the loop, * SC 6 into the next loop*, rep 3 times, SC 3 into the last (half)loop. Cut yarn and weave in ends. 

Strings: Make a chain based on your desired length , I did 2 of 70 chains and attach on the first stich of both ends, cut yarn and weave in ends

PS! I used cotton yarn (black) Kotiväki by Novita and hook 1,5mm (recommended 2,5-3) and blue yarn was Schachenmayers Catania, also used hook 1,5 (recommended 2,5-3). You should take that into consideration, if you like to crochet more loosely.

I would love to hear from you, any feedback is greatly appreciated! Please send me an email to:

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