esmaspäev, 19. mai 2014

Ilmale kohaselt / To go with the weather

No nüüd on ju puhta suvi käes! Ei hakka üldse ilmateadet uskuma, vaatan paren hommikul aknast välja ja vaatan siis, mis järgnevad päevad toovad.
Käsitööga olen aga kahevahel...Kududa ei suuda ja heegeldada ei viitsi (olengi vahepeal liiga produktiivne olnud. Peab vist oma vardahunniku otsas vähe mediteerima, saab ehk kuduhimu tagasi.

Aga!!! Tagasi tulles siis ilmakohasemate tegevuste juurde!
Päris kudumata siiski ei ole! Katsetasin ka esmakordselt seda nn I-cord´i kudumist. Kasutusse puuvillase lõnga jäänukid, helmekastist kinnitus külge ja voilà!

So, now it is officially summer! Temperatures are about 30 degrees Celcius and there is not much to breathe. I won`t even read the forecast, instead will put my head out the window in the morning, and that is the best forecast for me!
However, with my crafting I am inbetween. It seems too hard to start knitting something big and warm, at this point, and with the crochet....just can´t be bothered. I will blame it all on the weather (as my birthday is in december, I prefer a bit cooler weather). I guess, I have to sit on my knittingneedles and meditate a bit. Maybe it will give me my enthusiasm back.
Nevertheless!!! I have not been sitting around doing nothing! I took some leftover cotton yarn, dug into my box of beads and voilà! My first ever I-cord!!!

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