Pikaldane, nagu ma nende asjadega tükin olema....tõeline lillelaps, kes meelsasti kesapõllul lilli korjaks ja neid juustesse põimiks päevakorrasemate asjadega tegelemise asemel. Igatahes on ettevalmistused saabuvaks külmemaks hooajaks ka viimaks minu lõngakorvi jõudnud. Hetkel siis olen sahistamas
Garnstudio mõnusates naturaalse koostisega lõngades. Isiklik eriline lemmik on hetkel Drops Nepal. Just Nepal Mix, millel on mõnusad värvivarjundid ja meeldivad mahedad toonid.
Palmikmüts, inspiratsioonituhina ajel. Üks selline, pikema soonikuosaga, et saaks serva peale keerata, meeldivas tumehallis toonis, reisis paari nädala eest Austraaliasse.
Slow, as I tend to be with these things... A true natures child, who would rather be prancing around in a summery field, picking flowers and braiding them in to my hair. instead of dealing with more urgent things. The upcoming winter has finaaly caught up with me and my yarnstash. My true favorites at this point, Garnstudios natural fibers. The personal favorite at this point is Drops Nepal. Especially Nepal Mix, with it´sbeautiful colorway, with subtle shades.
So...a cabled hat. From a spur of inspiration. A similar beanie, with a longer ribbing, so it could be turned up, found itś way to Australie few weeks ago, when it was unbeliveably hot here, in Estonia, and really cold there. It served itś purpose. The buyer was really happy and left me the most wonderful feedback....
Ja Drops Andes. Minu jaoks vist vähe raske. Muidugi sellise projekti puhul just piisavalt! Torusalli raskus annab talle just paraja hoidmise. Salli raskus sellise rohmaka kaeluse puhul laseb kandjal sättida seda just vasavalt soovile ja vajadusele, nii et see ka reaalselt hoidma jääb.
Lõngatootja soovituslik vardasuurus aga ei sobi minu ettekujutlusega kohe üldse. Kasutasin kaks numbrit väiksemaid ja nähtavasti oleks vabalt veel numbri võrra valikut kahandada võinud, ilma et lõpptulemus sellest kuidagi kannatanud oleks.
And Drops Andes. A bit on the heavy side for me. For this project, just heavy enaugh! The weight of this oversized cowl gives it just the perfect hold. It lets you give the cowl just the shape you want, and really hold it in place.
I must say...I´m on a roll...I love winter and the holiday season and everything wonderful that comes with it!So for me, the summer solstice is just the perfect time, to strat thinking towards the end of the year (yes....thinking! To start acting, is something completely different (: )